300-Watt Two-Way
Speaker Systems
Ring-Mode Decoupling (RMDTM) for
increased intelligibility
Lightweight Structural-foam enclosure
Stand mountable and arrayable
High efficiency (99 dB, 1 W/1 m)
High power handling (Sx300PI: 300-watts
continuous, 1,200-watts short term)
Powder-coated, full-face stainless-steel
grill with foam backing
Four molded-in attachment points (metric
M8 x 1.25) for secure suspension
100-watt transformer option (Sx300PIX)
Available in white
not receive the strongest coverage.
to the high-frequency driver exceeds the nomi-
nal rating, the protection circuit is activated
and reduces the power delivered to the driver
by 6 dB. The system will remain in this mode
of operation until the input power is reduced
to a safe level.
One of the many other unique features of the
Sx300PI is the cabinet. Constructed of high-
impact polypropylene structural foam, it pro-
vides a stiff and extremely durable enclosure.
Molded into the cabinet are an integral carry-
ing handle and a stand socket for mounting
on 13/8-inch stands such as the Electro-Voice
100BK. Rubber feet attached to the bottom of
the cabinet and mating sockets molded into
the top provide a means of stacking systems.
The trapezoidal-shaped cabinet in combina-
tion with the uniform, 65° x 65° directivity
characteristics, make the Sx300PI ideal for use
alone or in arrays.
The Sx300PI and Sx300PIX are continua-
tions of the popular the Sx-series offering
the added value of weather-resistant cabi-
nets. The Electro-Voice Sx300PI is a 300-watt,
12-inch, two-way, high-efficiency, constant-
directivity speaker system for permanent in-
stallation. Through the extensive use of
computer-aided design and modeling,
Electro-Voice engineers have developed
a state-of-the-art professional loudspeaker
system for permanent installation where
weather resistance is needed. The
Sx300PIX is the same as the Sx300PI with
the addition of an AT100 transformer.
The bass section of the Sx300PI is designed
using Thiele-Small parameters for efficient
performance to below 80 Hz. The woofer is a
DL12Sx 12-inch unit featuring beryllium cop-
per lead wires, a low-mass, edge-wound voice
coil and high-temperature materials. The part
of the magnetic structure adjacent to the coil
is insulated using the exclusive EV PROTEFTM
process (U.S. Patent #4,547,632). The sys-
tem combines professional-quality compo-
nents, arranged in a time-coherent vertical ar-
ray, with an unusually durable Thiele-Small-
aligned vented enclosure. The result is clear
and articulate, high-quality sound.
The Sx300PI’s high-frequency horn is driven
by the Electro-Voice DH2010A one-inch-
throat, wide bandwidth, titanium-diaphragm
driver. The DH2010A uses a unique, convex-
drive Time PathTM phasing plug structure (U.S.
Patent #4,525,604) for smooth and extended
high-frequency performance. The voice coil
is coupled to the diaphragm with EV’s exclu-
sive Resonant DriveTM technology. This in-
creases and smooths the high-frequency re-
sponse and reduces the amount of internal
equalization required for flat frequency re-
sponse. Driver output extends to 25,000 Hz.
The high-frequency section of the Sx300PI
utilizes a molded-in, 65° x 65° constant-di-
rectivity horn. This unique pattern contrib-
utes to high intelligibility. Vocals sound
natural, yet “cut through” in reverberant,
noisy rooms. In addition, the coverage pat-
tern is unusually uniform over its range of
operation. Sound quality off axis is very
consistent, even at 45° off axis (a 90° total
coverage angle), well beyond the rated cov-
erage angle. The horn’s unique, VaripathTM
throat geometry* helps direct driver output
to the corners of the room, points of cover-
age not described in the usual specifications
of horizontal and vertical coverage angles,
and parts of the audience that typically do
Ring-Mode Decoupling (RMDTM
The Sx300PI controls both acoustical and
mechanical ring modes to provide dramati-
cally increased intelligibility, using tech-
niques learned from the development of the
Electro-Voice X-array™ concert speakers.
There is much less coloration of the sound
from resonating sources, leaving only the
intended sound to be heard by the audience.
A self-resetting, high-frequency protection cir-
cuit, EV’s PROTM circuit, is included with the
Sx300PI to prevent accidental overdrive and
improve system reliability. If the input power
* Patent pending
Sx300PI and Sx300PIX 300-Watt Two-Way Weather-Resistant Speaker Systems
of random noise with equal energy per band-
width in Hz) is fed to a shaping filter with
6-dB-per-octave slopes below 40 Hz and
above 318 Hz. When measured with the
usual constant-percentage bandwidth ana-
lyzer (one-third-octave), this shaping filter
produces a spectrum whose 3-dB-down
points are at 100 Hz and 1,200 Hz with a
3-dB-per-octave slope above 1,200 Hz. This
shaped signal is sent to the power amplifier
with the continuous power set at 300 watts
into the 7.1-ohm EIA equivalent impedance
(46.2 volts true rms). Amplifier clipping sets
instantaneous peaks at 6 dB above the con-
tinuous power, or 1,200-watts peak
(92.5 volts peak). This procedure provides
a rigorous test of both thermal and mechani-
cal failure modes.
Request P.A. Bible Addition No. Two
(“Power Handling Capacity”) for more
background on these recommendations.
(12-inch) low-frequency transducer in a
trapezoidal-shaped enclosure; a high-fre-
quency compression driver with a pure tita-
nium diaphragm coupled to a 65° x 65°
constant-directivity horn molded into the
front baffle of the enclosure; and a passive
crossover-equalizer network with protection
for the high-frequency driver. The loud-
speaker shall meet the following perfor-
mance criteria: frequency response of
80 to 25,000 Hz, –3 dB; power handling of
300-watts long term and 1,200-watts short
term (nontransformer), with a shaped ran-
dom-noise input per ANSI/EIA RS-426-A
1980; sensitivity of 99 dB SPL at 1 meter
with a 1-watt, 300- to 2,000-Hz pink-noise
input; 6-dB-down horizontal coverage angle
of 65° ±15° in the 2,000- to 20,000-Hz
range; 6-dB-down vertical coverage angle
of 65° ±15° in the 2,000- to 20,000-Hz
range; crossover frequency of 1,500 Hz;
nominal impedance of 8 ohms and minimum
impedance of 6 ohms. Paralleled input and
output connectors shall be present, consist-
ing of Neutrik Speakon® NL4MP connec-
tors. The enclosure shall be constructed of
polypropylene structural foam and fitted
with a full-face, foam-backed, stainless-
steel grille, an integral handle, a stand
socket for mounting on 13/8-inch stands,
rubber feet and mating sockets to facili-
tate stacking. Dimensions shall be 586 mm
(23.1 in.) high x 429 mm (16.9 in.) wide
x 312 mm (12.3 in.) deep. Net weight shall
be 17.7 kg (39 lb)nontransformer; 21.7 kg
(48 lb)transformer. The loudspeaker sys-
tems shall be the Electro-Voice
S x 3 0 0 P I , S x 3 0 0 P I X , S x 3 0 0 P I - W,
Sx300PI Connections
The Sx300PI is equipped with two Neu-
trik Speakon® NL4MP connectors.
In continued high-power applications,
Electro-Voice recommends the use of the
Speakon connector. The Speakon NL4MP
will mate to a NL4FC Speakon connector,
which is a 4-pin connector. Figure 7 shows
typical wiring configurations using banana
plugs. Cable connections for the Sx300PI
should be made to the 1+ and 1– terminals
only. Cable connections for the Sx300PIX
should be made as shown in Figure 9, de-
pending on the given input voltage and the
desired output wattage. Cables utilizing the
Speakon NL4FC are available from your
local dealer or from the companies listed
Amplifier Power Recommendations
As noted in the Power-Handling Capacity
section above, the Sx300PI has a random-
noise power capacity of 300-watts long term
(1,200-watts peak) (nontransformer) per
ANSI/EIA RS-426-A 1980. The following
guidelines will help relate this number to
an appropriate power amplifier output rat-
Pro Co Sound, Inc.
135 E. Kalamazoo Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Whirlwind Music Distributors, Inc.
P.O. Box 1075
1. To use the Sx300PI to full capacity,
skilled experts in sound system installa-
tion and operation will obtain the best
results if the power amplifier is 2.0 to
4.0 times the long-term average noise-
power rating of the speaker system. For
the Sx300PI this is 600 to 1,200 watts
Rochester, NY 14603
Neutrik USA, Inc.
195-S3 Lehigh Ave.
Lakewood, NJ 08701
The caution cannot be made strongly
enough, however, that this arrange-
ment is only for experts or for those
who can discipline themselves against
“pushing” the system for ever-higher
sound levels and who can avoid “ac-
cidents” such as catastrophic feedback
or dropped microphones.
It is recommended that after making the
proper connection with the Speakon connec-
tor to the input on the enclosure, a bead of
sealant should be applied around the con-
nection to assure a watertight seal.
Uniform Limited Warranty
Electro-Voice products are guaranteed
against malfunction due to defects in mate-
rials or workmanship for a specified period,
as noted in the individual product-line
statement(s) below, or in the individual
product data sheet or owner’s manual, be-
ginning with the date of original purchase.
If such malfunction occurs during the speci-
fied period, the product will be repaired or
replaced (at our option) without charge. The
product will be returned to the customer pre-
paid. Exclusions and Limitations: The
Limited Warranty does not apply to: (a) ex-
terior finish or appearance; (b) certain spe-
cific items described in the individual prod-
uct-line statement(s) below, or in the indi-
Weather-Resistant Mounting
When mounting the Sx300 PI in a location
where a weather-resistant system is required
a minimum of a five-degree down angle is
recommended. (See figure 9.) This will
help prevent any moisture from wicking
through the foam and mesh-backed grille
and accumulating inside the enclosure un-
der extreme weather conditions.
2. A more conservative, “normal” ampli-
fier size, which will produce audible re-
sults nearly equal to those of the “ex-
pert” recommendation, is 1.0 to 1.4 times
the long-term average noise-power rat-
ing of the speaker. For the Sx300PI, this
is 300 to 420 watts (nontransformer).
3. To be very conservative, one can use an
amplifier rated at 0.5 to 0.7 times the
long-term average noise-power rating of
the loudspeaker. For the Sx300PI this
is 150 to 210 watts (nontransformer).
Architects' and Engineers'
The loudspeaker shall consist of a 305-mm
Sx300PI and Sx300PIX 300-Watt Two-Way Weather-Resistant Speaker Systems
vidual product data sheet or owner’s manual;
(c) malfunction resulting from use or op-
eration of the product other than as speci-
fied in the product data sheet or owner’s
manual; (d) malfunction resulting from mis-
use or abuse of the product; or (e) malfunc-
tion occurring at any time after repairs have
been made to the product by anyone other
than Electro-Voice Service or any of its au-
thorized service representatives. Obtaining
Warranty Service: To obtain warranty ser-
vice, a customer must deliver the product, pre-
paid, to Electro-Voice Service or any of its au-
thorized service representatives together with
proof of purchase of the product in the form
of a bill of sale or receipted invoice. A list of
authorized service representatives is available
from Electro-Voice Service at: 1 Telex Drive,
Morrilton, AR 72110 (800/685-2606 or at
501/354-0111). Incidental and Conse-
quential Damages Excluded: Product re-
pair or replacement and return to the cus-
tomer are the only remedies provided to the
customer. Electro-Voice shall not be liable
for any incidental or consequential damages
including, without limitation, injury to per-
sons or property or loss of use. Some states
do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages so the
above limitation or exclusion may not ap-
ply to you. Other Rights: This warranty
gives you specific legal rights, and you may
also have other rights which vary from state
to state.
does not apply to burned voice coils or mal-
functions such as cone and/or coil damage
resulting from improperly designed enclo-
sures. Electro-Voice active electronics as-
sociated with the speaker systems are guar-
anteed for three (3) years from the date of
original purchase. Additional details are in-
cluded in the Uniform Limited Warranty
For warranty repair, service information,
or a listing of the repair facilities nearest you,
contact the service repair department at:
800/685-2606 or 501/354-0111.
For technical assistance, contact Techni-
cal Support at 800/392-3497 (ext. 4656)
or 952/736-4656, M-F, 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Central Standard time.
Electro-Voice Speakers and Speaker Sys-
tems are guaranteed against malfunction due
to defects in materials or workmanship for
a period of five (5) years from the date of
original purchase. The Limited Warranty
Specifications subject to change without no-
Figure 1 — Sx300PI Frequency
Response (1watt/1 meter, anechoic
environment) (open ports)
Figure 2 — Sx300PI Frequency
Response (1 watt / 1 meter, anechoic
environment) (closed ports)
Sx300PI and Sx300PIX 300-Watt Two-Way Weather-Resistant Speaker Systems
Figure 3 — Polar Response (anechoic
environment) (open ports)
5 dB per Division
Sx300PI and Sx300PIX 300-Watt Two-Way Weather-Resistant Speaker Systems
Figure 4 — Beamwidth Response
(anechoic environment) (open ports)
Figure 6 — Sx300PI/ Sx300PIX Dimensions
Figure 5 — Directivity Response (anechoic
environment) (open ports)
190 mm
(7.5 in.)
429 mm
(16.9 in.)
76 mm
(3.0 in.)
341 mm
(13.4 in.)
586 mm
(23.1 in.)
METRIC (M8 x 1.25)
226 mm
(8.9 in.)
190 mm
(7.5 in.)
65.0 °
312 mm
(12.3 in.)
Sx300PI and Sx300PIX 300-Watt Two-Way Weather-Resistant Speaker Systems
Figure 7 — Cable Configurations for Sx300PI and Sx300PIX
70.7 VOLT 100 VOLT
Figure 8 — Suspending the Sx300PI Using
Mb200 Installation Kit
Figure 9 — Recommended Mounting of the
Sx300PI and Sx300PIX
Sx300PI and Sx300PIX 300-Watt Two-Way Weather-Resistant Speaker Systems
Directivity Factor Rq (Q), 800-16,000 Hz
Median (see Figure 5):
14.3 (+7.9, –9.3)
Directivity Index Di, 800-16,000 Hz
Median (see Figure 5):
11.1 dB (+2.4 dB, –4.1 dB)
Distortion, 0.1 Full Power Input,
Second Harmonic,
100 Hz: 1.2%
1,000 Hz: 1.4%
10,000 Hz: 10%
Third Harmonic,
100 Hz: 0.1%
1,000 Hz: 1.4%
Input Connections, Sx300PI:
Paralleled Neutrik Speakon® NL4MP
connectors (allow paralleling of
multiple speakers)
Input Connections, Sx300PIX:
Paralleled Phoenix-Style connectors
(for wattage selection and
paralleling of multiple speakers)
Enclosure Materials and Colors:
Polypropylene structural foam; choice
of black or white
Versions Available:
Sx300PI—two-way, full-range
speaker system (300 watt)
Sx300PIX—two-way, full-range
speaker system with 100-watt
Sx300PI-W—two-way, full-range
speaker system (300 watt),white
Sx300PIX-W—two-way, full-range
speaker system with 100-watt
transformer, white
Axial Frequency Response (swept
sine-wave input, 4 volts at 10 feet on
axis, anechoic environment, normal-
ized for 1 watt/1 meter; see Figure 1):
80-25,000 Hz
Supplied Accessories:
Suspending Sx100/Sx300 Series
Loudspeakers instruction manual
Optional Accessories:
10,000 Hz: 2.5%
Distortion, 0.01 Full Power Input,
Second Harmonic,
100 Hz: 0.2%
100BK mounting stand
Mb100 forged eyebolt attachment kit
Mb200 wall/ceiling mounting bracket
Mb300 horizontal array kit
OmniMount® Series 100 mounting
(Open Port) Low-Frequency 3-dB-
Down Point:
90 Hz
Half-Space Reference Efficiency:
1,000 Hz: 1.1%
10,000 Hz: 1.0%
Third Harmonic,
100 Hz: 0.1%
VPCSx vinyl case
Long-Term Average Power-Handling
Capacity per ANSI/EIA RS-426-A
1980 (see Power-Handling Capacity
300 watts (nontransformer)
200 watts - 100-V line (transformer)
100 watts - 70.7-V line (transformer)
Maximum Woofer Acoustic Output:
17.7 watts
1,000 Hz: 0.4%
PDSx padded case
MBS200 Stainless Steel Bracket Kit
Attachment Points:
Four metric inserts (M8 x 1.25) (see
Figure 5 and Suspending Sx300PI
Enclosures section)
Dimensions (see Figure 5),
10,000 Hz: 0.2%
Transducer Complement,
High Frequency:
DH2010A driver
Low Frequency:
12-inch EV woofer
Box-Tuning Frequency:
63 Hz
586 mm (23.1 in.)
Sensitivity (SPL at 1 meter, 1 watt
input, anechoic environment, band-
limited pink-noise signal, 300-2,000 Hz):
99 dB
Crossover Frequency:
1,500 Hz
Crossover Slope,
Low Pass:
429 mm (16.9 in.)
312 mm (12.3 in.)
Dispersion Angle Included by 6-dB-Down
Points on Polar Responses, Indicated
One-Third-Octave Bands of Pink
Noise (see Figure ),
2,000-20,000 Hz, Horizontal:
65° –15°
12 dB per octave
High Pass:
12 dB per octave
Impedance, Sx300PI
Net Weight:
17.7 kg (40 lb) – nontransformer
21.7 kg (49 lb) – transformer
Shipping Weight:
19.1 kg (43 lb) – nontransformer
23.1 kg (52 lb) – transformer
8 ohms
2,000-20,000 Hz, Vertical:
65° –15°
6 ohms
Impedance, Sx300PIX at
Highest Wattage Tap,
50 ohms
at 1 kHz:
** Available through OmniMount Systems, Inc. OmniMount® is a
registered trademark of OmniMount Systems, Inc.
111 ohms
12000 Portland Ave. S., Burnsville, MN 55337
952/884-4051 Phone, 952/884-0043 Fax
' Telex Communications, Inc., 2005 • Litho in U.S.A.
SPEAKERS – Full Range/Install
Part Number 534544 — 07/07
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